העתיד שאתה רוצה

לחץ כאן




Avi Sheinman Profile 


In Short - Senior Executive. Senior Seminar Leader. Senior Mentor and Coach. SIT Master. I-TRIZ Practitioner.


Director at "Anina Culinary art" Inc. an International StartUp. See here.


"I believe that anything is possible. I am committed to global growth of any organization or anyone I serve as well as the growth of life quality and health of all human kind".


For the last 8 years, was Partner and Executive Vice President at Ideation International Inc. From Michigan, USA, a leading international innovation company.


For more information on the Office of Innovation business areas, Pl's see here and on the management team, see here .


Extensive experience as a Senior Manager & Director in varios industry areas in rolls such as: Project / Plan Manager, VP, CEO. Vast experience in business and marketing growth and development including preparing for exit.


Seminar Leader, Lecturer, Mentor for senior managers and trainer of management teams.


Innovation Specialist & Seminar Leader - building and training centers of innovation / innovation management teams. Business and marketning strategy, Business & IP Development. Extensive experience in growth communication.


Specializing in startups, "Growth Engines", Structured Inventive Thinking for New Products / Services development, Inventive Problem Solving.


Multidisciplinary education & Practices – Bsc. Mechanicl Engineer. MBA Specializing in finance. Advocate specializind in commerce & IP. Business and family Mediator ‖ Arbitrator.


For the last 20 years


>  Developed and implemented over 500 workshops and seminars in Business &          Marketing Strategy, Strategic innovation practices.


>  Leading & mentoring management teams in developing new products and                services, solving inventive problems.


>  Founding innovation teams & centers.


>  2012-2016, at the Israeli Institute for Export and International Cooperation:


  • Leader and co-founder of the mentors body based upon 30 leading CEOs and top International Marketing experts to mentor and coach other "young" CEOs members of the Israeli Export Institute to grow world wild in the field of international export and marketing.


  • Lecturer & Seminar leader and academic coordinator in International marketing & export seminars for top executives, CEO's, Directors etc.


>   Chairman of “MILA”, Israeli Center for Music Culture.


>   CEO and VP in various Industrial and commercial companies.


>   Founder of several Start Ups. PM in various positions.


>   IDF HQ & IAF HQ - Head of Op. Requirements  & combat development means.


>   IDF / IAF - Comander of several Opertional "Hawk Missiles" Batteries & "Hunt             Platoon". Infantry Schooll Comander. Tactical Control Officers Course Comander.


Strategic Partnership


Law Firm Zvi Tamir & Co. Specializing in Local & International Commercial Law, Corporate Law and Intellectual Property. See our Team here.


Customized Strategic Innovations lectures, Courses, Workshops and Semina


  Crisis Management Leadership Under VUCA Situation - Volatility, Uncertainty,          Complexity, Ambiguity - towards growth


 Innovative Management  Leadership


>  Creativity, Innovation, Systematic Inventive Thinking and Systematic                            Innovaion in the  areas of  New Product and Service Development                                (NPD),Technological Inventive Problem Solving (IPS).


Innovation Centers / Teams.


Technology Strategy Development


>  Business Development.


Marketeing Strategy, Excellence in Marketing and Sales. 


Breakthrougs in local and International Business and Marketing Strategy.


Vision & Mission. 


>  Positioning and Branding.


Management & Organizational Renewal.


Growth Communication. 


Managing  under VUCA / Break Downs Situations.


Dispute Resolution and Mediation Techniques Seminars.


   Guiding / Leading Events, Conferences and Ceramonies  

Other options for you to choose


You can choose different options for Guidance, Mentoring, Coaching, Training, Consulting, Seminars, Courses and Lectures


Personal / Team Mentoring and Coaching - A new level of Success, growth              & breakthroughs Merge training, professional mentoring, guidance, consulting    and accompaniment in any business, marketing or personal area


   Interior Organization Mentors Seminar for Managers -  New Core Capability &    Performance


Personal "Shadow" accompaniment Mentoring 24/7 -  New breakthroughs by Personal Mentoring accompanied by real-time / near real-time decision-making        Processes



For Specific Seminar /  Lecture  for your organization


Pl's contact me personally here